Through Thom Tinted Lenses

July 7, 2023

The Power in your Palm by Thom Reese

Filed under: politics,society — Thom Reese @ 4:05 pm
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I don’t expect wide-ranging moral change to sweep the world in my lifetime. I, for instance, don’t expect to see the end of war while I still walk the earth. There are still enough small-minded leaders that believe international affairs should be handled with the finesse of schoolyard bullies for that to happen. The same with racism. Affirmative Action has been gutted, presidential candidates absurdly proclaim that racial bias is a thing of the past (Check out the Mike Pence interview on the July 2, 2023, Face the Nation broadcast), and an unheard of level of political division and disinformation plagues our nation.

As well, there’s still disastrous immigration policies, child abuse, drug addiction, political corruption, nuclear threats, human trafficking, near daily mass shootings, any number of social and political ills, and a smattering of flat earthers just to keep things interesting. To be blunt, we’re a mess. That said, the only way any of these things can be changed is if we collectively seek change.

And not only seek it, but expect it, demand it. Let’s not get starry-eyed. It will take years, likely generations, to overcome most of these ills. But as the world grows smaller due to near-continuous technological leaps, so can the time it takes to accomplish real change.

Just as a trip across the Atlantic now takes hours instead of weeks (as it did just over a century ago), so can ideas spread and take root much quicker than ever before. We, as a society, are in constant communication with one another through texting, social media, and podcasts. I have social media “friends” on nearly every continent. My ideas and concerns can be discussed by people around the globe within seconds of my posting a blog.

And I’m a person of no significant influence.

Think of the power for social and moral progress if likeminded people make a commitment for change.

What would happen if the populace actively spoke out, each in our own forums, each in our own voices, against the issues that concern us, and – even more importantly – in favor of those causes we passionately believe will better society? True, different people have differing beliefs. What one person sees as a problem another might see as a solution. We are truly a country divided. But there are issues many of us can agree upon. And even on issues that divide us, we can encourage our legislature to cross the aisle and work for the betterment of our land instead of seeking only to prop up their party’s interest.

My point is this: Each of us carries a powerful tool for societal change in the palm of our hands. No, not that Hershey bar, however tasty it may be, but your phone. It might surprise many of us, but that little gem can do more than take endless selfies and display cute cat pictures. In the past, the power to change rested in elected officials and media professionals, people on the national and international stage. But now, through social networking, we, the everyday Joes and Janes, can make a difference. We have a voice equal to or greater than those in the seats of power. A growing number of people watch YouTube and listen to podcasts, choosing these over “official” media such as broadcast networks and radio stations. According to Pew Research, as of 2022, 82% of Americans aged twelve and up listen to radio in a given week, down from 89% in 2019, while podcast listenership for the same demographic has risen from 37% monthly listenership in 2020 to 42% in 2023.

Pause to think about that. 42% of Americans listen to podcasts at least one a month. A decade ago it was only 12%. We are nearing the point where half of our population listens to a media created BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE. True, some major corporations are jumping into the podcast pond, but it’s still dominated by regular people recording episodes in their living rooms, basements, and garages.

And then there’s YouTube. 74% of Americans watch YouTube more frequently than any single television network. Think of the growing multitude of YouTube “Influencers.” Common people using their devises to spread their thoughts to the world. Each of us has that power. We no longer need to be hired by a network or news organization, to run for office, or be a billionaire to impact the world. We have the power in out palms. We have a means to spread our thoughts and concerns, a way to connect with hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions. The question becomes, are we willing to step up use this power?

And if so, are we willing to use it responsibly?

Social media is cluttered with false or misleading information, with lies passed from person to person, each believing they’re sharing some greater truth. We have power like never before. But like Spider-Man, we must learn that with great power comes great responsibility.

The thing is, we do need to embrace this power. We, the people, have been crowded out of any true public discourse. We’re fed soundbite philosophies by news agencies and public personalities. It’s on us, not only to step up and let our voices be heard, but to educate ourselves, to vet our information, to make sure that we are not adding to the vast mind fog infecting our populace.

If you’re truly passionate about something, seek out legitimate information, learn everything you can. If you find that a prior assumption is false, be willing to adjust opinions. And then, start a podcast, post blogs, share valid news stories and thoughts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, create online groups of like-minded people. If you don’t have the time or inclination to produce your own content, share the posts and messages from other legitimate sources. Combine with the rest of us to diminish the absurdity that still surrounds us. It will take effort and commitment, but you and I can be the responsible journalists of our age without ever being hired by the Washington Post or The New York Times. But the power is delicate. We must use it responsibly. Otherwise, we add to the problem, instead of becoming part of the solution.

The choice is yours. What now?

Copyright 2023 by Thom Reese

Contact me at

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